The International Congress on Advanced System, Engineering and Technology
ONLINE CONFERENCE | August 26-27, 2024


In the last decade, the term World Class University (WCU) has become a catchy phrase to describe a research-based college/university at the top of the higher education institution ranking hierarchy. In fact, the number of publications and citations are two components that have a large percentage in the WCU ranking. The main factor for the low ranking of many universities is due to the low level of research products in the form of scientific publications. The low collaboration between domestic and foreign universities is also a major factor. In today's open academic competition, governments around the world use rankings to measure their global competitiveness. Students and academics face greater choices and opportunities, ranking of the best universities has increased competition worldwide and governments are now paying more attention, even using rankings to make policy decisions.

Therefore, we organize the International Congress on Advanced Systems, Engineering, and Technology (ICASET) 2024 as a platform to increase research collaboration in multi-disciplinary field through original researches in supporting world class university program.

The ICASET-2024 event is a collaboration of among universities & research centers from Indonesia and overseas and will be held on August 26-27, 2024. The ICASET-2024 conference will be organzied fully online and it will feature:
* Workshops
* Doctoral Colloquium
* Keynote addresses
* Technical program of refereed papers selected by the international program committee members which is aimed as a forum for sharing knowledge and as an activity to get the latest insights related to multi-disciplinary researches.

The professional from the academia, industries, and government to discourse on research and development and professional practice in systems, engineering, and technology fields are welcome to the ICASET-2024. This congress enables educational interdisciplinary collaboration in the academic and practical fields as well as networking internationally. During the congress, there should be substantial time for presentation and discussion.

In addition, special sessions and exhibitions offer ample opportunity for information exchange among delegates and participants, especially for those who are looking for new opportunity between presenters and participants. Attendees will find various activities useful in bringing together a diverse group of experts from across systems, engineering, and technology disciplines for the generation of new ideas, collaboration potential and business opportunities.


The goal of this congress is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on systems, engineering, and technology researches and establishing new collaborations in these areas. The event will be held fully online over two days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community.

The ICASET-2024 theme is “Enhancing Multi-Disciplinary Research Collaborations through Original Researches in Supporting World Class University”. In this event, professional and experienced speakers from Indonesia and overseas are provided opportunities to present topics according to latest research on systems, engineering, and technology researches.

The proceedings of ICASET 2024 will be published in Springer proceedings book and they will be sent to Scopus and ISI Web of Science databases for abstracting / indexing.

The congress is organized in cooperation with:

AMCS Research Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Scopus Affiliation ID: 60105101

Asosiasi Program Pascasarjana Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (APPPTMA), Indonesia (institutional support)

Statistics and Bioinformatics Research Center (SBRC), Islamic Indonesia University


We look forward to receiving your good quality manuscript(s) to ICASET-2024!